Jun 19, 2014

Don’t Underestimate the power of first Impressions


Successful job seekers don’t underestimate the power of first impressions.

All highly effective job seekers have a few things in common: They're patient and positive; they build a network of reliable sources; they successfully convince an employer that they're the most qualified candidate; and they never stop learning, says Ngee Key, an executive coach and author of "Unlock Your True Potential," in a recent LinkedIn post.  And, according to Key, they share a few additional habits, as well.

In his post he laid out 12 strategies that consistently generate strong results for job seekers. Here are a few of our favorites:

1. They don't underestimate the power of first impressions.

"As you continue applying for positions in various companies, take care of how you interact with others," Key suggests. "Attempt to leave a great first impression, whether it's the secretary, the hiring manager, or your fellow applicants. If you wish to differentiate yourself from other candidates, you must appear to be more eager, determined, and serious to get the job." In addition, he says, you must let them know how much you want to be there. Do this by showing up early, dressing smartly, being alert, and being prepared.

2. They nurture their brand.

"You are your brand," he says. "You are what you sell to hiring managers and employers. Find your unique selling proposition, and cultivate that."
Key says it's imperative that you position yourself as an expert at what you do. You can start by writing articles, giving presentations, speaking at conferences, or teaching a course. "Join professional and business organizations, and make every effort to get a leadership role. Be active in your community, and win people over with your ideas and commitment."

3. They don't compare themselves to others.

"Weighing one person's accomplishments against yours will only derail you from achieving more things," Key says. Accept that everyone is different, and each person has their own path to take and their own set of skills and accomplishments. "Many people go through a rough period while unemployed, but after a period of self-assessment, most realize that things happen for a reason. … The big lesson is: Look at the big picture. Find the positive in your situation. Commit to this change in perspective and turn your adversity into a productive experience."

Jun 18, 2014

Jobs for Energy Engineers


Due to declining of Bio fuels and increase demand in energy government emphasize the production of energy and giving priority to development of energy sector. Due to lack of Bio fuel government going for nuclear energy and plan up to 2050 that 25% of energy coming from nuclear energy plant.
By the 2020 government going to invest 5 lakhs crores ($110 billion) to revive nuclear energy sector in country, government plan to exhibit 20 thousand Mega watt extra production of nuclear energy resources. Looking to this huge investment many big players in this sector eye on the step of government and to take opportunity. Players like GE Hitachi, Westing House are renowned nuclear reactor supplier companies. So looking to this it’s obvious that jobs in demand for Energy Engineers.


For Energy Engineer you have to be BE (Bachelor of Engineering) or B.Tech (Bachelor of Technology) and pass out with PCM (Physics, Chemistry, Maths) in class 12th. After doing B.tech the individual can go for M.tech which is Master’s in technology if it’s fine suitable to them. The admissions in this course have to clear the entrance exam for respective colleges which the individual apply for it. Expert says success in this stream the particular should go for the Master’s or M.tech because Master’s courses are very concentrated in Energy Renewable Sources and Non Traditional Sources. 


To become a successful Energy Engineer it is to be logical and analytical. This is not client base job so the introvert student can also preferable in this job rather then it should be analytical and logical. This kind of job needs lots of patience and many times you have to out or far from home for your work. So you need to be patience and you need to fight from home sickness if you have.


Climate change and global warming is the major issue on this earth so looking into this today government organization hiring the professional energy engineers. In today scenario there is lots of opportunity in this sector those have degree. Because Government organization mandatory skilled professional in respective department of state government like Renewable Energy Development Agency. 

Government also compulsory energy auditing, energy conservation and energy management for industry and to make appointment those have the specialization in this same. For professional in this sector their salary start from 20 k to 30 k it’s depend on how big is organization.

College or Institute
  •   Institute of Energy studies, ANNA UNIVERSITY 
  •  Indian Institute of Technology, KANPUR and MUMBAI
  •  Centre for Energy studies, NEW DELHI
  •  Pondicherry Engineering Collage
  •  Tezpur University, Assam
  •  Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
  •  Collage of Engineering, ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI
  •  JNTU collage of Technology, HYDERABAD 
  •  School of Energy Studies department, UNIVERSITY OF PUNE

India Towards Growth


India's new government got the best news on the economy in a year on Thursday, as industrial growth rebounded and retail inflation dropped to a three-month low - signs of an economic revival that could offset the threat of patchy summer rains.

Output from mines, utilities and factories, recovered from two straight months of contraction to expand 3.4 percent year on year in April, its fastest pace since March 2013, government data showed.

Growth of 1.9 percent was forecast by economists in a Reuter’s poll, after a 0.5 percent year-on-year decline in March.

India's economy has been dragged down by slumping industry. Industrial production shrank a provisional 0.1 percent in the fiscal year that ended in March, keeping overall economic growth below 5 percent for a second straight year.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who took office on May 26 with the strongest parliamentary majority in 30 years, has vowed to engineer a turnaround by stepping up investment and clearing regulatory hurdles for businesses.

"There is some possible improvement in the investment cycle going ahead on confidence building," said Anjali Verma, an economist at Phillip Capital. "This kind of data will encourage the government to take steps to boost growth."

Bureaucratic gridlock coupled with an uncertain tax policy has stymied capital investments. Capital goods, for example, expanded for the first time in five months in April, posting an annual growth of 15.7 percent.

Expectations of an investment-led economic turnaround after Modi's victory have brought in copious capital, sending the total value of the Indian stock market over $1.5 trillion for the first time.

Thursday's industrial production data, coming on the heels of the sharpest growth in merchandise exports in May, are expected to further boost investor sentiment.


Adding to the cheer, a slower annual gain in food prices helped ease consumer price inflation to a three-month low of 8.28 percent in May from 8.59 percent the previous month, another government report showed on Thursday.

Persistently high food prices have made inflation India's Achilles heel, making it tougher for the central bank to lower lending rates even as economic growth sags.

Retail inflation has been above 8 percent since February 2012. The Reserve Bank of India eased rules to spur bank lending and toned down inflation rhetoric at its last policy review, but few analysts expect it to cut rates anytime soon.

"We do not think policymakers will be minded to loosen policy just yet," said Mark Williams, chief Asia economist at Capital Economics.

Stubbornly high inflation and elevated interest rates have curbed consumer demand, which powers more than half of Asia's third-largest economy. Consumer goods output, a proxy for consumer demand, has grown just once in the past 12 months. In April, it contracted 5.1 percent from a year earlier.


Modi's government has promised to break the "vicious" cycle of high inflation and high interest rates by reforming the agriculture market and improving the supply chain. But those measures will take months to produce results. Meanwhile, below-average monsoon rains look increasingly likely, which could exacerbate price pressures.

New Delhi has stockpiled staples such as rice, wheat and sugar from bumper harvests in the past few years, but it has limited control over the cost of fruits and vegetables, which has the largest impact on food inflation.

"The key risk is ... El Nino's impact on food (prices)," said Shubhada Rao, the chief economist at Yes Bank. She reckons bad summer rains could push up headline retail inflation as much as 70 basis points.

Jun 13, 2014

Hiring Sentiments To Grow


E-recruitment firm Naukri.com Thursday said it expects the hiring sentiment to grow in the coming months due to confidence returning in the economy as a new and stable government has taken charge at the center.

"Hiring activity is seeing a period of stability. Since the elections are now over and we have a stable government at the center, we expect companies to start recruiting in the coming months," said managing director and chief executive, Info Edge, the company which owns Naukri brand.

According to the online job portal, its monthly Job Speak report for May indicated a higher level of hiring activities. It reported an increase of 14 percent in hiring activity last month as compared to May 2013.

The company has more than 230,000 job listings on its portal. Sector-wise, the company said that hiring sentiment was muted across all major sectors, except ITES (information technology enabled services) and IT (information technology) sector.

ITES sector's hiring activity moved up by 15 percent month-on-month followed by IT sector which was up 10 percent and oil and gas sector growing at three percent.

However, insurance sector's hiring activity witnessed a maximum decline with the index moving down by 30 percent month-on-month.

"It (insurance sector) was followed by pharmaceutical and telecom sector, which saw a downward spiral with the index moving down by eight percent each," the report said.

City-wise southern region has seen maximum growth in hiring activity lead by Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangalore. While marginal growth was observed in Mumbai and Pune, hiring activity has dipped in northern and eastern regions with Delhi-NCR region and Kolkata seeing a decline of 21 percent and 19 percent respectively.

Jun 5, 2014

Avoid questions In Interview


While going for interview you never found yourself comfortable or the way you want to take your interview, anything silly happens or sometimes you make situations worst for yourself by asking dumb questions after that you became numb. So avoid this situation with not asking such question and we introduce with group of question that will help you from such situation you want to avoid especially in your first interview.

Questions you'll want to avoid during the first job interview, as they may do more harm than good:

  • What does your company do? 
  • What will my salary be?
  • Will I have to work long hours?
  • How soon can I take a vacation?
  • When will I be eligible for a raise?
  • How quickly could I be considered for a promotion?  
  • Will I have my own office?
  • What happens if I don't like the job or the people on my team?
  • Will I have an expense account? 
  • Can you tell me about [your personal life]?
  • Can I make personal calls during the day? 
  • Do you do background checks?  
  • Do you monitor emails or internet usage?
  • Can I arrive early or leave late, as long as I get my work done?
  • How did I do?  
  • Did I get the job?

Above are the group of question which are really help full in your interview. So make clear while going before interview. But, the worst question of all is the one you never ask. "Not asking questions can be just as bad, or worse, than asking terrible questions,"  a career author, speaker, and media consultant. "It can reveal a lot about your communication skills, personality, and confidence — and it can leave the interviewer with a bad impression of you."