Jun 5, 2014

Avoid questions In Interview


While going for interview you never found yourself comfortable or the way you want to take your interview, anything silly happens or sometimes you make situations worst for yourself by asking dumb questions after that you became numb. So avoid this situation with not asking such question and we introduce with group of question that will help you from such situation you want to avoid especially in your first interview.

Questions you'll want to avoid during the first job interview, as they may do more harm than good:

  • What does your company do? 
  • What will my salary be?
  • Will I have to work long hours?
  • How soon can I take a vacation?
  • When will I be eligible for a raise?
  • How quickly could I be considered for a promotion?  
  • Will I have my own office?
  • What happens if I don't like the job or the people on my team?
  • Will I have an expense account? 
  • Can you tell me about [your personal life]?
  • Can I make personal calls during the day? 
  • Do you do background checks?  
  • Do you monitor emails or internet usage?
  • Can I arrive early or leave late, as long as I get my work done?
  • How did I do?  
  • Did I get the job?

Above are the group of question which are really help full in your interview. So make clear while going before interview. But, the worst question of all is the one you never ask. "Not asking questions can be just as bad, or worse, than asking terrible questions,"  a career author, speaker, and media consultant. "It can reveal a lot about your communication skills, personality, and confidence — and it can leave the interviewer with a bad impression of you."

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