Apr 16, 2014

Missing Talent Quality

Today new talent crisis in corporate Inc, this what corporate managers are saying. Actual it’s not crises but quality talent because which they find lack in today employee or new recruits. Although today scenario Indian mangers known very agile and looks the long term strategy where in other countries they facing problem about long term scenario managers.

Today India Corporate having addressing new talent challenges. The word agility in an organization’s context means the ability to execute strategy quicker than competition. This translate into bringing our relevant products faster, servicing new customer segments effectively and quickly, innovating faster and in newer ways, changing the business models rapidly when the need arises and essentially being change capable. This organizational agility demands a highly nimble and responsive talent pool both in terms of the skills required and the manpower base.

This missing in today’s talent pool agility. Indian employers were looking at increasing or retaining past expenditure on improving their internal hiring and development practices. Due to this young force were moving out of league though it’s not easy but stats show this. Today economic scenario is not allowed to company exceed their CTC (cost to company) they have also hand tight situation.

Question arises that how the Indian employers will get the quality talent or how to addressing new talent challenges. Because retaining or internal hiring is not the solution, it’s short term solution but what about long term future we should forget that today strategy build on long term basis not short term for this required manpower need for the long term. Looking to this Indian employer need restructured their leadership development programmed. Let the Human Resource Manager’s flexible or agile and to start using data and fact based analysis to help organizations recruit and manage talent. This analysis helps drive decisions on whether talent needs should be built means developed internally; bought means recruit externally, borrowed means temporarily contractors or consultant. Some of the practices surely make the edge to addressing new talent.

                                   For more Information go to www.naukrisearch.com 

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