Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) is a premier national Institute in the
country dedicated to research in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Allied Sciences
& Technology. The Institute has field stations at Kavalur & Kodaikanal
in Tamil Nadu, Gauribidanur & an Extension Centre at Hoskote in Karnataka,
and Leh & Hanle in Ladakh region of Jammu & Kashmir. The Institute has
taken up the responsibility of building space-based Visible Emission Line
Coronagraph on Aditya-I mission along with Indian Space Research Organisation.
are invited from young, bright, and highly motivated individuals to involve in
the development of state of the art instrument for the studies of various
aspects of sun.
1. Name of the post: PROJECT ASSISTANT (DESIGN)
No. of Post: One
Consolidated Salary: Rs.16, 000/- plus House Rent
Age: Below 30 years
Educational Qualification: Minimum First Class Diploma (3
years) in Mechanical Engineering (DME), from a State Technical Board of
Education/recognized institution. Professional training and expertise in 2D
Drafting in AUTOCAD, INVENTOR for modeling of 3D solids, sheet metal, piping,
cable harness etc.
Work Experience:
Three or
more years of work experience in one or more of the following areas:
a) Generating
3D CAD models
b) Good
2D drafting skills as per industrial standards
Technical documentation skills
Handling opto-mechanical mounts
Place of posting: Bangalore.
No. of Post: One
Salary: Rs.13, 000/- plus House Rent Allowance
Age: Below 30 years
Educational Qualification: NCTVT certificate (ITI) course
in Electrical Trade (2 years course) from a Govt. recognized Industrial
Training Institute.
Work Experience:
Three or
more years of work experience in maintenance of clean-room equipment such as
chillers, dehumidifiers, AHUs, electrical panels etc.
Place of posting: Bangalore
& conditions:
1. The
above appointment is purely on temporary/contract basis for the
2. The
tenure of appointment will be initially for a period THREE YEARS and may be extendable, subject to satisfactory
performance of the candidate/s and requirement
of the Institute.
3. The
selected candidate/s will not have any claim for regular appointment in the
Institute whatsoever.
4. The
appointee is liable for transfer to any of the Institute’s field stations and
locations selected for the project.
5. The
selected candidate/s should be willing to work on shift basis.
6. Age
relaxation is permissible to SC, ST & OBC candidates and also to physically
handicapped candidates as notified by Govt. of India from time to time.
7. The
date for determining the upper age limit, qualifications and experience shall
be the closing date prescribed for receipt of completed applications.
8. Where
the number of applications received in response to the advertisement is large
and it will not be convenient or possible for the Institute to interview all
those candidates, the Institute has the right to limit the candidates to be
called for interview on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than
the minimum prescribed in the advertisement.
9. No correspondence
will be entertained with candidates not selected for interview/appointment.
Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
Outstation candidates called for interview will be reimbursed to and fro train / bus fare by the shortest
route limited to second sleeper class railway fare on production of original
11. The
Institute reserves the right to recruit or cancel the entire recruitment
process for any or all the posts at any time without assigning any reasons
Candidates meeting the above requirements, may forward their application in the
format attached to this advertisement together with copies of certificates of
educational qualification, experience, caste etc. superscribing “Application
for the post of ”_______________”on the envelope to the Administrative Officer,
Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Koramangala, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore – 560
13. Last
date for receipt of application is 15.04.2014
For more Information go to
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